Post Card Yuletide Wishes Fire Giant Santa
For the 2022 Yuletide release: Yuletide Wishes with Fire Giant Santa
There's so much christmas stuff around, but what about you and your wild heathen friends? Be sure to order in time, so you're able to send your holiday post on time.
In the 2022 Yuletide Strandedinmidgard series:
-just this card, it was a wild year for me!
But do check out the shop for my older cards that are still online. They go offline when my stock is completely depleted, so get the old ones while you can ;) No re-prints for Yule Cards!!
Post card DIN A6 (10.5 cm x 14.8 cm), printed on cardboard(0.46 mm of 300 g carton) and easy to write on.